Congratulations to all of those nominated for the 2023 CPS Foundation Educator of the Year Award sponsored by One United Federal Credit Union. The winner will be announced Friday at the staff end of the year recognition. #godiscoverers #wearyourmaroonproudly #proudtobeCPS
over 1 year ago, Columbus Public Schools
ed of the year 2023
This is a Student Council Appreciation post! This year Student Council… …Raised $2,174.43 to support our school and community. …Collected over 4,000 items of food for the Platte County Food Bank. …Managed the Discoverer Den (School Store) where CMS students spent 10,110 Discoverer Bucks to purchase items. …Emptied classroom recycling bins every Wednesday. …Hosted over 600 students at grade-level activity nights. …Acted as Tour Guides at Fall Parent Teacher Conferences and for College Week Presenters. …Presented “Navigator of the Month” to 18 staff members over the course of the school year. ...Popped more popcorn than you can count in the Concession stand. It was an amazing year and we can't wait to do it all again next year!
over 1 year ago, Christina Nilson
Congratulations to Ms. Dillon, 8th grade science teacher. She was chosen as the KLIR Teacher of the Month. Her nomination stated she makes learning science fun and engaging. Congratulations Ms. Dillon!
over 1 year ago, Amy Haynes
Ms. Dillon--KLIR Teacher of the Month
CMS 5th Grade families, We have band instrument night at CMS on Tuesday, May 2 from 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm and Thursday, May 4 from 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm. More information.:
over 1 year ago, Amy Haynes
7th Grade ELA has completed a years worth of vocabulary words. The only thing left is to ace the final test! Today, we're studying hard with an online game.
over 1 year ago, Helen Schumacher
ELA 7th Grade
This week's 7 maroon student of the week is Alexandra. Alexandra works really hard to accomplish her goals. She takes her education seriously. She advocates for herself and has steadily improved throughout the year. We are so glad to have Alexandra on our team! This week's 7 silver team has two students of the week! They are Cade & Ammi. Ammi is very kind and patient with her classmates. Her homework is always completed on time and getting caught up after an absence never takes her long. Her quiet leadership in the classroom does not go unnoticed. Thank you for being a silver team rock star. Cade sets a wonderful example of taking educational responsibility. He is a quiet leader. No matter what the task, he gives it his all. Whenever a classmate needs help or has forgotten an item, Cade is the first to volunteer help. Thank you for being a silver team rock star.
over 1 year ago, Helen Schumacher
7th Grade Student of the Week
CMS families: Reminder-- no school for all 5th grade students on Wednesday, May 3 due to 4th grade move up day. Thank you!
over 1 year ago, Amy Haynes
Move Up Day
Voters be sure to check to see if your ballot was received as well as if it was accepted or rejected. You can check online at
over 1 year ago, Columbus Public Schools
vote check english
vote check spanish
vote check french
The CMS Keep Columbus Beautiful Club invites you to attend the Junk Art Contest on Friday, May 4th froom 3:45 until 5:00 p.m. in the CMS library. CMS students can still enter the contests. If interested, you can pick up a submission form in the CMS office. The form must be given to Mrs. Earley by April 28th.
almost 2 years ago, Erica Earley
The CMS Keep Columbus Beautiful Club invites you to attend the Junk Art Contest on May 4th in the CMS library from 3:45 until 5:00 p.m.
The CMS Keep Columbus Beautiful Club invites you to attend the Junk Art Contest on May 4th in the CMS library from 3:45 until 5:00 p.m.
The CMS Keep Columbus Beautiful Club invites you to attend the Junk Art Contest on May 4th in the CMS library from 3:45 until 5:00 p.m.
Due to the passing of LB 1107 in 2021 you can now claim a percentage of your property tax paid to schools on your state income tax. In 2023, those who pay property tax will be able to claim 30% of their property taxes paid to schools when they file their state income tax.
almost 2 years ago, Columbus Public Schools
1107 english
LB 1107 Spanish
LB1107 French
One of the big questions that we are receiving is "What is the breakdown of costs for each project that is included in the bond election"? The projects listed were determined following 18 months of community town hall meetings and surveys.
almost 2 years ago, Columbus Public Schools
costs - English
Costs Spanish
Costs French
All 8th graders are starting "The Hunger Games" in Language Arts today! Students will have reading homework most days as shown on the calendar. "May the odds be ever in your favor."
almost 2 years ago, Lori Focher
Book & Packet
Homework Calendar
5th Grade Activity Night is this Friday!
almost 2 years ago, Christina Nilson
5th grade activity night
Easter Egg fun! Mrs. Brockhaus and Mrs. Reichert dyed eggs with some 6th Explorers this week.
almost 2 years ago, Neleigh Reichert
Easter Egg fun!
Easter Egg fun!
5th Grade Activity Night is coming up on April 14th! 5th GRADE PARENTS, we need your help and support in order for this to be a successful evening. Please check the attached flyer to see if you are able to provide assistance. Any help is greatly appreciated!
almost 2 years ago, Christina Nilson
Activity Night
Activity Night
Activity Night
A group of 8th graders show off new bags from CCC. They visited the college earlier this week and are excited to represent CCC by using their new bags.
almost 2 years ago, Erica Earley
A group of 8th graders show off their new bags from CCC.  They visited CCC earlier this week and are excited to have new bags to represent the college.
Youth track registration is now open! The first practice will be April 17th with the final meet on May 6th.
almost 2 years ago, Columbus Public Schools
youth trackneg
youth track
youth track 2
youth track sp
youth track frn
youth track sp2
Attention Parents: No parking at Trinity Lutheran Church on Thursday and Friday after school due to a funeral at the church. Please make other arrangements for parking and picking up your child from CMS. Thank you!
almost 2 years ago, Amy Haynes
No Parking
The CMS Keep Columbus Beautiful Club spent time on this nice spring afternoon picking up litter around the school. They were so excited to clean up and use trash pokers, of course!
almost 2 years ago, Erica Earley
Students keeping CMS Beautiful.
Students working together to pick up trash.
Students enjoying a beautiful afternoon, while picking up trash.
Teamwork: Cleaning up around CMS.
Getting excited about cleaning up with trash pokers!
Students cleaning up outside CMS.
Students enjoying a sunny afternoon; keeping CMS Beautiful!
Students getting excited about picking up trash!
6th Grade Activity Night is coming up on March 24th! 6th GRADE PARENTS, we need your help and support in order for this to be a successful evening. Please check the attached flyer to see if you are able to provide assistance. Any help is greatly appreciated!
almost 2 years ago, Christina Nilson
activity night
activity night
Activity Night