Important Alert-Poppy's Pumpkin Patch Night Postponed to October 18 due to weather forecast. 5-8pm. Thanks for understanding and we look forward to having a great night next week!
Important Alert: Due to a scheduling conflict, Lost Creek will hold Picture Retakes on Tuesday, October 15 instead of Thursday October 17. Please return your Sep 12 Pictures on that day if you are getting your child's picture retaken.
Early Childhood Education community discussions will take place October 7 & 8 from 7:00 - 8:30 pm at Columbus Middle School. We hope that many from the Columbus community will attend to discuss current needs and challenges that our community is facing.
Reminder: Wednesday, Sept. 25 we will have a 3:25 dismissal from school. There is no school for students Thursday, Sept. 26 or Friday, Sept. 27 due to Parent Teacher Conferences. Thanks for planning accordingly.
Reminder: Due to Parent Teacher Conferences tonight, there will be no after school program this afternoon. Thanks for planning accordingly.
Lost Creek PTO T-Shirt Orders due October 2nd. Check out our awesome designs to choose from and support our PTO and school!
Thursday, September 12 is Picture Day at Lost Creek. All students get their picture taken for the class picture. If you want individual pictures you can order online or have your child bring the envelope with the correct amount of money and any choices marked on the envelope.
First Full Day of School for 2019-20!
Picture Day is coming up on 09/12/2019!
Visit and sign up to receive helpful email reminders from Inter-State Studio.
Reminder: Lost Creek Eagles, wear maroon to school on 8/14/19! #ProudtobeLostCreek
Parents, please have your students wear maroon on 8/14/19 if possible for an all school activity. Thanks!
Lost Creek 2019 Kindergarten Info.
Open House 2019-20 Information!
The USDA Summer Lunch Program will run from 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. May 30-July 26 Monday through Friday at CMS, 2200 26 St. There will be no lunch served on July 4 and 5. The meal is free to all children ages 1-18. Adults accompanying a child may eat for $3.75. All meals meet USDA nutrition standards. The USDA Summer Lunch program serves meals with milk, meat, fruit, vegetables & bread. The USDA Food & Nutrition Service prohibits discrimination on race, color, national origin, age, sex or disability.
The last day of school each year is always bittersweet. Please take time to celebrate your accomplishments, relax, recharge, and embrace the challenges of the future! Have an awesome summer!
Lost Creek kindergarten loved seeing Officer Hunke in uniform in our lunchroom today! We love our Lost Creek parents! (Everybody wants to be an officer today!)
Good Evening!
Tomorrow, Wednesday, May 1st, our 4th graders will be going to the Columbus Middle School for the entire school day. This is a full day orientation. Parents are to drop off your child at 8:15 at the Columbus Middle School and pick them up at 2:00 from the Columbus Middle School. Lunch is provided, or kids can bring a cold lunch if they so choose.
Here is a little more information about our Field Day that will be taking place May 16th from 12-3. This letter will also be coming home this week.
If you would still like to order a Field Day tshirt, order forms are due this Friday April 26th. If you lost the order form just send a note with name and size. Tshirts are $10 a piece adding 2 for XXL and 3 for XXXL.
The Annual Field Day will be May 16th at Lost Creek starting at 12 noon. More details will be sent home as we get closer to the day.