This form is coming home tonight. Field Day Tshirt sales go towards Heart Rate monitors for the PE department. Please return forms to Mr.T along with money by April 26th. Thank you for your support.
almost 6 years ago, Jonathan Tomasevicz
tshirt order form
Reminder: Tomorrow evening, 4/2/19 is our Kindergarten and 4th Grade Spring Concert. This will be held at the Columbus Middle School Auditorium. Students need to be in their seats no later than 6:45, doors open at 6:30. Concert starts at 7:00pm.
almost 6 years ago, Principal J.P. Holys
Please join Lost Creek staff and students by wearing blue Tuesday, April 2nd for World Autism Awareness Day!
almost 6 years ago, Principal J.P. Holys
Pastries With Parents Event April 6th
almost 6 years ago, Principal J.P. Holys
Pastries with Parents Event!
Runza Night for Lost Creek Reminder! Tuesday night, March 26th from 5:00-8:00pm! Hope to see you all there!
almost 6 years ago, Principal J.P. Holys
Some racquet sports today @cpslostcreek #SoarOnEagles #physed
almost 6 years ago, Jonathan Tomasevicz
racquet sports
PowerSchool will be down for about an hour starting at 5 p.m. Sorry for the inconvenience.
almost 6 years ago, Michelle Cruise
No school for Columbus Public School students today. Required staff are to report.
almost 6 years ago, Michelle Cruise
Students in grades kindergarten through sixth grade can now sign up for youth track. To download the forms go to For more information contact Patrick Clark at
almost 6 years ago, Michelle Cruise
Youth track information
Youth Track information
Lost Creek PTO meeting March 5th 7:00pm in the media center! Hope to see you all there! Lots of wonderful items on our agenda! Please come and join us!
almost 6 years ago, Principal J.P. Holys
Learning and making beautiful music at Sing Around Columbus this afternoon.
almost 6 years ago, Cherie Stadler
SAC 2019
On February 20, Columbus Public Schools will not be in session due to inclement weather conditions. School buildings will not be open, breakfast and lunch will not be served, and there will be no After School Program or extracurricular practices or rehearsals. Please go to the Columbus Public Schools District Facebook page for weather-related school closing updates. Spanish-language version: El 20 de febrero, las Escuelas Públicas de Columbus no van a tener clases debido al mal clima. Las escuelas van a estar cerradas, no vamos a dar desayuno ni comida, y no tendremos el Programa Después de Clase ni ensayos o prácticas extracurriculares. Por favor vaya a la página de Facebook del Distrito de las Escuelas Públicas de Columbus para ver informes sobre el cierre de clases debido al clima.
almost 6 years ago, Michelle Cruise
Great weekend to get out and enjoy the snow and time with the family. Dont forget to snap some pics for our #FitWithFamily wall. Then send them to Mr. Tomasevicz.
almost 6 years ago, Jonathan Tomasevicz
Lost Creek Lost & Found. Please stop by the Great Hall during conferences to claim any of your kiddos lost items.
almost 6 years ago, Principal J.P. Holys
Lost and Found
Lost and Found
Lost and Found
Donation forms can be turned in to Mr. Tomasevicz all of next week @cpslostcreek for the Kids Heart Challenge.
almost 6 years ago, Jonathan Tomasevicz
Donation form
Did you think it was possible to create a lightning bolt with your finger? Watch a few 3rd graders demonstrate how they created a lightning bolt in science today.
almost 6 years ago, Jennifer Box
Awesome night for our PTO Family Movie Night! Thanks everyone for braving the weather!
about 6 years ago, Principal J.P. Holys
Big Screen!
Fun And Full Gym!
Dedicated PTO!
Columbus Public Schools will remain open today with students being dismissed at the regular time. As in all inclement weather events, parents can choose to check out and pick up their children early. If another adult or sibling is picking up your child, you must please call the school to let them know who that person is.
about 6 years ago, Michelle Cruise
We're still on! Tomorrow Night-6:30pm-PTO Movie Night-Smallfoot (great movie for snow!)-Lost Creek Media Center-Candy, Popcorn, Prizes, wear PJ's, bring pillows and blankets!
about 6 years ago, Principal J.P. Holys
Parents, if your children are missing any hats, gloves, coats, etc., there’s a great chance the items are here! If you recognize anything let us know!
about 6 years ago, Principal J.P. Holys
LC Lost and Found Table
LC Lost and Found Clothes Rack