All CPS buildings will close at 5:00pm today, 2/18/25. No evening activities will take place including middle school parent-teacher conferences.
13 days ago, Columbus Public Schools
Current weather status red
IT'S HAPPENING! Kindergarten Registration is scheduled for Monday, March 3rd through Friday, March 7th at the Kramer Education Center --> 2410 16th St. Please enter through the west doors. Each day is open to parents/guardians with students attending any of our elementaries!
14 days ago, Columbus Public Schools
Columbus Public Schools announces its Kindergarten Registration with this post card highlighting dates and times in English.
Columbus Public Schools announces its Kindergarten Registration with this post card highlighting dates and times in Spanish.
Columbus Public Schools announces its Kindergarten Registration with this post card highlighting dates and times in French.
Mrs. Sander's class took sometime to discuss why they love school this past Wednesday. We love these kiddos and our school too!
about 1 month ago, Lost Creek Elementary
To start off the second half of the year, students participated in Expectation Stations. The sessions were lead by students from our Student Leadership Team. Student leaders reviewed the behaviors for areas in our school like hallways, bathrooms and the lunch room. Here is to a great 2nd semester!
about 2 months ago, Emilee Sander
Lost Creek students started the day by spreading their Christmas cheer at the annual sing-a-long. Thanks Mrs. Stadler for leading us in song!
2 months ago, Emilee Sander
Important reminders for students and parents: 12/19/24 - No Preschool, 12:00 pm (noon dismissal) K-12. 12/20/24- Holiday break begins. No school for preK-12. 1/7/25- First day of 3rd quarter or 2nd semester.
2 months ago, Columbus Public Schools
Lost Creek Families, you are amazing! Your willingness to help others is a beautiful thing. Thanks to your wonderful generosity, our school will receive $500 in USGames certificates to be used for PE and Recess equipment. If we can get 14 more students to register by Friday, we would receive another $500 in USGames, totaling $1000 in total to go towards new equipment to help keep our kids happy and healthy during class and out at recess. Thanks again for your amazing generosity during this years Kids Heart Challenge.
3 months ago, Jonathan Tomasevicz
Check out Part 2 of Jay Martin's Parent Academy Series: Digital Wisdom Framework Synthetic Media.
4 months ago, Columbus Public Schools
Digital Parent Academy
2nd Graders got to learn the science behind their favorite snack, popcorn! They learned where popcorn comes from, how it is made and even got to eat some.
4 months ago, Emilee Sander
Which is popcorn
Today is world kindness day. Spread kindness like confetti. It costs nothing and mean everything. Happy World Kindness Day!
4 months ago, Columbus Public Schools
preschool age boy and girl one giving an apple to another
Thank you for your service. Veterans Day 2024.
4 months ago, Columbus Public Schools
lots of small flags in grass
Last Tuesday Jay Martin the DIrector of School Safety & Security for NDE was here in Columbus talking to students and parents about building a better digital culture. He has put together an online 4 part Digital Parent Academy. Follow this link to view Part 1 Digital Wisdom Framework - Platform Pressures.
4 months ago, Columbus Public Schools
Digital wisdom framework graphic
Let the Games Begin!! We are officially underway for the Kids Heart Challenge at Lost Creek Elementary! We are off to a great start already, let's keep it going into November!
4 months ago, Jonathan Tomasevicz
Thank you, Mr. Holys for all that you do for Lost Creek Elementary! #LostCreekEagles #proudtobeLostCreek #CHSAnchorAlumni #alwaysadiscoverer #wearyourmaroonproudly #ilovepublicschools #proudtobeCPS
5 months ago, Lost Creek Elementary
Happy National Principals Month Mr. Holys
Lost Creek 3rd and 4th Grade Concert Announcement
5 months ago, Cherie Stadler
Concert Info
Concert Info
Concert Info
Lost Creek Elementary will be starting our Kids Heart Challenge on Wednesday October 23rd. Get a head start and register online and complete Finn's Mission for a chance to be entered into a drawing for some cool prizes!
5 months ago, Jonathan Tomasevicz
Please join us for an insightful presentation by Jay Martin, Nebraska Department of Education's School Safety & Security Director! Jay will share his expertise on the challenges that digital platforms, apps, and social media bring to schools and homes. With a wealth of experience - from national presentations and publications to real world insights from his time in law enforcement - Jay offers valuable guidance on how parents and students can cultivate digital wisdom for better mental, emotional, and behavioral well-being. Let's come together to create a safer, more positive digital environment in our school community!
5 months ago, Columbus Public Schools
Columbus Community Event Building a better digital culture graphic with photo of jay martin in English
community invite in french for building a better digital culture
invite to community event building a better digital culture spanish
Phone lines are now back up and all buildings can receive phone calls again. Thank you for your patience while this issue was being resolved. Thank you to our district technology department for getting us back up and running!
5 months ago, Columbus Public Schools
phone lines are now back up
Columbus Public Schools is currently experiencing phone issues and cannot receive incoming calls. The technology department is working with the carrier to get this issue resolved.
5 months ago, Columbus Public Schools
phone showing error symbol for phone issues
Beautiful morning for the mile run test in physical education class.
6 months ago, Jonathan Tomasevicz
rainbow during mile