On Thursday, June 9th from 7am-4:30pm United Way Ducks will be available for purchase with Cherie at the CPS Administration Building. Purchase your ducks on June 9th and receive 7 for $20!
over 2 years ago, Nicole Anderson
Duck Race
Today is a good day! #wordsmatter #bekind #CPSsummerlunchprogram #godiscoverers #napkinisms
over 2 years ago, Nicole Anderson
Today is a good day! #CPSsummerlunchprogram #napkinisms #godiscoverers #wordsmatter #bekind
over 2 years ago, Nicole Anderson
#CPSsummerlunchprogram #wordsmatter #bekind #corndogs #napkinisms #godiscoverers
over 2 years ago, Nicole Anderson
#Napkinisms #GoDiscoverers #CPSsummerlunchprogram #wordsmatter #bekind
over 2 years ago, Nicole Anderson
#Napkinisms #GoDiscoverers #CPSsummerlunchprogram #wordsmatter #bekind
over 2 years ago, Nicole Anderson
con·ju·gate verb /ˈkänjəˌɡāt/ give the different forms of (a verb in an inflected language) as they vary according to voice, mood, tense, number, and person. "conjugating verbs forms part of language study"
over 2 years ago, Nicole Anderson
Have you been wondering where to find the menus for the summer lunch program? You can review the menu here at https://www.myschoolmenus.com/instance/147/district/174/school/1212/menu/27654?date=2022-06-01&view=monthly
over 2 years ago, Nicole Anderson
We believe it! Do you? #wordsmatter #napkinisms #bekind #godiscoverers
over 2 years ago, Nicole Anderson
Just a reminder that the summer lunch program will begin tomorrow!
over 2 years ago, Nicole Anderson
summer food prgoram
summer food
summer program
'We can learn sooooooooo much' 'Everyone is welcomed' 'Everyone is nice ... even if you're struggling' So much public school love from Ms. Williams' fourth graders at Lost Creek!
almost 3 years ago, Isaiah May
Williams - I Love PS
Williams - I Love PS
Williams - I Love PS
Williams - I Love PS
We love Lost Creek and we love our public school!
almost 3 years ago, Nicole Anderson
Ms. Harvey’s 4th-grade class shows some love for our public schools!
almost 3 years ago, Isaiah May
Harvey's Fourth Grade I Love Public Schools
"I love Columbus Public Schools because of the classroom family that develops each year as we learn from each other, laugh together, problem solve, and grow our brains, daily. Our students are innately kind, inclusive, resilient, and welcoming to others, regardless of differences that may be apparent to adults. If you want to leave energized and with a full heart, come visit a public school elementary classroom and take a look at the devotion we have to our students and the love they give back to us! " ~Mrs. Tomasevicz, 2nd grade teacher
almost 3 years ago, Nicole Anderson
Lost Creek Cookie Dough Sales until November 12! Thanks so much for your support!
about 3 years ago, Principal J.P. Holys
Lost Creek PTO Fundrasier
Correction: 3:25 dismissal tomorrow!
over 3 years ago, Principal J.P. Holys
Reminder: 1st day of school for 1st-4th Graders tomorrow, Aug 12. 8:00 start, 3:35 dismiss. Lunch served tomorrow, no breakfast. Breakfast will start Aug 13. We look forward to greeting all of you on the west side tomorrow!
over 3 years ago, Principal J.P. Holys
Good evening and welcome back! We have a lot of stuff going on this week as we get our Lost Creek Eagles back to the nest! Monday, August 9th we will hold our Open House for all elementary students from 5:30 to 6:30 pm. Stop in and visit our building and your new classrooms! Tuesday, August 10th from 5:00 to 8:00pm, Dairy Queen is hosting a Lost Creek night. A portion of the sales goes back to Lost Creek PTO to support our kids and teachers. Please come for a great meal or ice cream! Tuesday, August 10th and Wednesday August 11th are Kindergarten assessment days. Students whose last names fall between A-K come the 10th, L-Z on the 11th. These days are from 8:00 to 3:25 and Kindergarteners can be dropped off and picked up at the Kindergarten doors in the east parking lot. A mandatory parent meeting will be August 12th at either 8:15am or 5:30pm. At least one parent and no students or siblings please. August 12th there will be no school for Kindergarten. 1st through 4th graders start August 12th. This is a full day of school with breakfast and lunch served. Our after school program will begin August 23rd. All students have a full day on August 13th. Please have a beautiful last couple of days off and as always, Go Eagles!
over 3 years ago, Principal J.P. Holys
CPS Families be sure to catch up on District News in the latest digital edition of the Discoveries family newsletter. https://www.smore.com/3df5c
over 3 years ago, Nicole Anderson
CPS Families be sure to catch up on District News in the latest digital edition of the Discoveries family newsletter. https://www.smore.com/7f4vx
almost 4 years ago, Nicole Anderson