We can't wait to see what amazing things you do today! #godiscoverers #cpssummerlunchprogram #bekind #napkinisms
over 2 years ago, Nicole Anderson
Check out this week's Summer Lunch Program menu at https://www.myschoolmenus.com/instance/147/district/174/school/1212/menu/27654?date=2022-06-01&view=monthly. There's even daily prizes that you won't want to miss out on! #CPSsummerlunchprogram #godiscoverers
over 2 years ago, Nicole Anderson
How much kindness can you give today? #CPSsummerlunchprogram #bekind #godiscoverers #napkinisms
over 2 years ago, Nicole Anderson
#wordsmatter #bekind #CPSsummerlunchprogram #godiscoverers #napkinisms
over 2 years ago, Nicole Anderson
#wordsmatter #bekind #CPSsummerlunchprogram #godiscoverers #napkinisms
over 2 years ago, Nicole Anderson
Love this! #wordsmatter #bekind #bestfriendgoals #CPSsummerlunchprogram #godiscoverers #Napkinisms
over 2 years ago, Nicole Anderson
napkin 5
Seriously. You are amazing! #wordsmatter #bekind #CPSsummerlunchprogram #godiscoverers #Napkinisms
over 2 years ago, Nicole Anderson
Have a great summer! #wordsmatter #bekind #CPSsummerlunchprogram #godiscoverers #napkinisms
over 2 years ago, Nicole Anderson
"Smile Big and Dance Big." Great advice from an elementary student! #wordsmatter #bekind #Napkinisms #cpssummerlunchprogram #godiscoverers
over 2 years ago, Nicole Anderson
napkin 4
On Thursday, June 9th from 7am-4:30pm United Way Ducks will be available for purchase with Cherie at the CPS Administration Building. Purchase your ducks on June 9th and receive 7 for $20!
over 2 years ago, Nicole Anderson
Duck Race
Today is a good day! #wordsmatter #bekind #CPSsummerlunchprogram #godiscoverers #napkinisms
over 2 years ago, Nicole Anderson
Today is a good day! #CPSsummerlunchprogram #napkinisms #godiscoverers #wordsmatter #bekind
over 2 years ago, Nicole Anderson
#CPSsummerlunchprogram #wordsmatter #bekind #corndogs #napkinisms #godiscoverers
over 2 years ago, Nicole Anderson
#Napkinisms #GoDiscoverers #CPSsummerlunchprogram #wordsmatter #bekind
over 2 years ago, Nicole Anderson
#Napkinisms #GoDiscoverers #CPSsummerlunchprogram #wordsmatter #bekind
over 2 years ago, Nicole Anderson
con·ju·gate verb /ˈkänjəˌɡāt/ give the different forms of (a verb in an inflected language) as they vary according to voice, mood, tense, number, and person. "conjugating verbs forms part of language study"
over 2 years ago, Nicole Anderson
Have you been wondering where to find the menus for the summer lunch program? You can review the menu here at https://www.myschoolmenus.com/instance/147/district/174/school/1212/menu/27654?date=2022-06-01&view=monthly
over 2 years ago, Nicole Anderson
We believe it! Do you? #wordsmatter #napkinisms #bekind #godiscoverers
over 2 years ago, Nicole Anderson
Just a reminder that the summer lunch program will begin tomorrow!
over 2 years ago, Nicole Anderson
summer food prgoram
summer food
summer program
I love working for CPS because I get to teach my students to enjoy learning and to take pride in their work! ~Mrs Dobbs
almost 3 years ago, Nicole Anderson
Ms dobbs