All 8th graders are starting to read "The Outsiders" this week! This 55-year-old classic is always a favorite among our students. Most parents also remember reading this book in school which makes for great conversations! Be on the lookout for these books and packets to be in backpacks for homework starting today (8-22-23)!
The start of school is just around the corner! School supply lists can be found on the district homepage and on the homepage of each building for your convenience.
Next week is our last week of the summer food program. It has been a great summer! July 25-29th food will be served at CMS and Centennial. There will be no lunches served at CHS.
We've loved seeing the creativity from the many volunteers who have submitted their napkinisms! If you would like to volunteer to write positive notes that will be given to Columbus youth attending the summer lunch program contact Jen Augustin at
Check out this week's Summer Lunch Program menu at
There's even daily prizes that you won't want to miss out on!
Make today as bright as possible!
#cpssummerlunchprogram #godiscoverers #smile #bekind #napkinisms
We can't wait to see what amazing things you do today!
#godiscoverers #cpssummerlunchprogram #bekind #napkinisms
Check out this week's Summer Lunch Program menu at
There's even daily prizes that you won't want to miss out on!
#CPSsummerlunchprogram #godiscoverers
How much kindness can you give today?
#CPSsummerlunchprogram #bekind #godiscoverers #napkinisms
#wordsmatter #bekind #CPSsummerlunchprogram #godiscoverers #napkinisms
#wordsmatter #bekind #CPSsummerlunchprogram #godiscoverers #napkinisms
Love this!
#wordsmatter #bekind #bestfriendgoals #CPSsummerlunchprogram #godiscoverers #Napkinisms
Seriously. You are amazing!
#wordsmatter #bekind #CPSsummerlunchprogram #godiscoverers #Napkinisms
Have a great summer!
#wordsmatter #bekind #CPSsummerlunchprogram #godiscoverers #napkinisms
"Smile Big and Dance Big." Great advice from an elementary student!
#wordsmatter #bekind #Napkinisms #cpssummerlunchprogram #godiscoverers
On Thursday, June 9th from 7am-4:30pm United Way Ducks will be available for purchase with Cherie at the CPS Administration Building.
Purchase your ducks on June 9th and receive 7 for $20!
Last night the CMS musical production of Moana Jr was awarded THREE AWARDS for the Nebraska High School Theater Awards!! This is highly coveted and extremely hard to achieve.
1. Overall Outstanding Musical Production
2. Outstanding Ensemble
3. Backstage Excellence
Today is a good day!
#wordsmatter #bekind #CPSsummerlunchprogram #godiscoverers #napkinisms
#CPSsummerlunchprogram #wordsmatter #bekind #corndogs #napkinisms #godiscoverers
#Napkinisms #GoDiscoverers #CPSsummerlunchprogram #wordsmatter #bekind