New CDC guidance allows Columbus Public Schools to ease protocols and procedures beginning June 1, 2021. We are using this coordinated approach through DHHS, CDC, and guidance from local health officials. The CDC has recently offered guidance for wearing masks for those who have been vaccinated and those who have not.

Summer School Guidelines
Universal Precautions
● Parents will continue to home screen their students.
     ○ If a student has a fever of 100.4 higher,
     ○ Sudden onset of a cough
     ○ Shortness of breath
     ○ Fatigue
● It is still recommended that students continue good hygiene practices like washing and
sanitizing hands.
● Social distancing should be practiced.
    ○The following guidelines listed below have been approved by Columbus Public Schools for
        in class instruction.
● Masks are optional for staff and students.
     ○ It is recommended that those who have not been vaccinated wear a mask but not
     ○ Masks should be strongly considered while in close proximity in small groups.
● It will be our best effort to offer summer classes in small groups to ensure social
distancing of at least three feet.
● Large classes like Speech at the High School will be held in larger rooms to ensure
social distancing.
● Students will stay in their assigned groups and classes unless changes are made by the
teacher with the approval of administration.
● Once students have registered for the summer academic session, they will be asked to
have their parents sign a waiver, giving them permission to not wear a mask. Details will
be provided by the teacher.

For more details regarding summer weights and activities visit