With COVID-19 causing us to alter and adjust what we are doing with almost everything, we have decided to not let it stop us.
Originally, we thought we would not be able to have our monthly assemblies, which have become a monthly tradition at North Park for the past 17 years.
Instead of just not doing them, we brainstormed how we could do it differently. We have decided to have a virtual assembly. We plan to do our first assembly via Zoom. Each classroom will project the Zoom assembly on their screen so all can see. The parents of our Student of the Month winners were also invited to view their child.
Mr. Hausmann will share a PowerPoint that has all of the Student of the Month nominations in writing so the kids can actually read along as Mr. Hausmann shares the students of the Month.
At some point we may even try to continue with our programs we normally schedule but doing it via Zoom as well.
COVID-19 may have thrown a wrench into things, but it will not stop us! We will find a way to work around it.