World Map

As a way to celebrate Read Across America, which is officially March 2nd nationwide, North Park is going to be doing something a bit unique.  While we will do some extra Dr. Suess things in class rooms on the day, our whole school is going to do an activity on Friday, March 3rd all day.  

We are going to celebrate our Cultural Melting Pot make-up at North Park and combine that with this reading focus.  

  1. We have sent surveys home to see what countries of origin each student and staff member's family came from.  We have created a large map of the world and each student will put one or two stickers on the map from the country they came from.
  2. On March 3, we will divide the whole school into new multi-age level groups for the day.   Each group will travel around the school(globe) from classroom to classroom throughout the day.  In each room a different country will be represented.  A book and or activity representing that country will be read and talked about with the students to help them gain some new knowledge about that country.
  3. Students will have a passport they are carrying around with them marking the countries they have visited that day.  
  4. All the countries we learn about will be countries some of our students' families are from.