Kramer Classroom Expansion

This past spring, Kramer Preschool applied for and received the Early Childhood Education Grant Program - Ages 3-5. 

We received the Early Childhood Education Grant, allowing us to hire an Early Childhood Teacher and a paraprofessional. Lakeshore Learning delivered all of the new furniture for the classroom on August 15th.  Pictured above, are our new Early Childhood teacher Maria Bonilla Alarcon, and her classroom paraprofessionals, Kara Moser and Jamie Smedley.

Kramer Preschool is growing, and we couldn’t be more excited to keep serving the children of the Columbus Community.

The Early Childhood Education Grant Program is intended to support the development of children in the birth to kindergarten age range through center-based programs.

These projects expand and/or combine existing pre-kindergarten programs funded through district, federal, or parent fees, including Head Start. Each project receives funding for up to half of the total annual operating budget of the project, on a continuing basis.