weather current status green
CPS weather current status Red
CPS weather current status - Green
CPS District Weather alert - Red - school and offices closed.
CPS weather current status Blue
Photo of superintendent Dr. Chip Kay
cps logo with ship and trademark
Preschool Registration for Columbus Public Schools begins February 3rd, 2025 for the 2025-2026 school year.
CPS weather status Red no school for students
winter weather - Blue
Erin Settles
Community meeting graphic for November 6 at Kramer education center from 6-7:30 pm
Ms. Claire
Building A better Digital Culture Graphic with photo of Jay Martin of NDE
ECSE Coordinator
“An outdoor image in front of Columbus High School, showing a boat anchor in the shadows with text providing details about the Trunk or Treat event. The image serves as part of an informational advertisement.”