Good evening!

Thanks so much for the incredible attendance for our winter Parent Teacher Conferences!

Let's start with a few of PTO reminders.  Super Saver receipts are continuing to be collected until March 2nd.  We have some window art showing our progress towards our goal.  Our goal is $200,000, currently we're at $129,000, wow!

We'll continue collecting Box Tops until Friday this week and then determine two classroom winners.  The leaders earlier this week were Mrs. Kreber's 1st Grade class with 120, and Mrs. Luettel's 2nd Grade class with 353.  We'll see who comes out on top Friday!

PTO is sponsoring Bingo Book Night this Thursday, February 21st.  Join us in our cafeteria from 6:30 to 8:00pm.  Cookies and juice provided.  

Wednesday, we will again have our normal 2:15 early dismissal for district collaboration time for our staff.  

Please have a wonderful week and Go Eagles!