Good evening! Our first week of 2019 was awesome! Our kids were excited to reconnect and continue to learn and progress!
We are starting to see influenza and other respiratory viruses this time of year. Signs of the flu, unlike the a cold, are flu symptoms begin abruptly. These signs are:
Sore Throat
Runny or stuffy nose
Muscle or body aches
Some kids may have vomiting and diarrhea
A letter will be posted on our school websites and sent home with more information and tips to help prevent the flu. If you suspect your child has the flu see your healthcare provider immediately. Please keep your child at home if your child displays these flu like sypmtoms as this will help lessen the spread of the flu at our schools. If you have any questions please call our RN, Mrs. Larsen, at 402-563-7045.
Our students will be taking our Winter Reading and Math MAPS tests. These adaptive assessments are taken on our iPads and the results are used to help us track growth and success, and to make data-based decisions regarding instruction. These results will be shared with parents as soon as possible when the district testing window closes on January 25th.
Wednesday we will dismiss students as usual at 2:15 for our teachers to collaborate with in our building.
Friday at 6:30pm, Lost Creek PTO is sponsoring Movie Night! The students will be voting on the movie. Candy, popcorn and door prizes will be provided. Kids are encouraged to wear pj's bring blankets and pillows, and enjoy the movie in our media center. We hope to fill the room!
Have an adventurous week and as always, Go Eagles!