Welcome back from our Easter Break!  We only have a short time before another longer break is upon us already!  It's amazing how fast these last few weeks fly by!

This week our Lost Creek Student Council will be sponsoring a change drive to donate to Paws & Claws.  Classes will compete and a grand prize will be awarded to the class that collects the highest amount of change.  Each day we'll try to select a different denomination.  Tuesday will be pennies, Wednesday nickels, Thursday dimes, and Friday will be quarters.  Thanks for your Student Council support.  

Our Kindergarteners will be taking their field trip to the Lincoln Zoo on Tuesday, April 11th.  

Wednesday is a 2:15 student dismissal for teacher collaboration.  Thanks for planning accordingly.

3rd and 4th graders will be taking their last NSCAS Assessment for the year.  Our teachers have sent home messages to you as to when these are scheduled.  In order for our students to do their best on this snapshot test, please help us by having your child get a good night's sleep, and a healthy breakfast, and come to school ready to learn and succeed.  

Please have a beautiful week and as always, Go Eagles!