Today's lunch entree options are stuffed cheese quesadilla or hot dog. Monday-Friday CMS, CHS and Kramer Preschool - 11:30-1:00 Mobile Grab & Go - West Park 11:15 - 11:35, Carriage House Estates Park 12-12:20 & Centennial 12:30-12:50.
9 months ago, Columbus Public Schools
Check out this week's summer lunch menu! Just follow the link:
9 months ago, Columbus Public Schools
Thank you Officer McCloud for visiting us this past Tuesday.
10 months ago, Kramer Preschool
One of the many items that CPS considers when approving an app for use in our schools is "what data and information does it collect"? Staff work to choose apps that collect the least amount of information possible. Here are two online articles that discuss apps and how much data they collect.
12 months ago, Columbus Public Schools
kid app data collection
Parents of the Class of 2037 mark your calendars for Kindergarten Registration!
about 1 year ago, Columbus Public Schools
k - eng
k - span
Preschool registration will being on Monday, February 12th! Contact Mr. Vasquez the CPS Registrar today to make your appointment. Kindergarten registration information will be released at a later date.
about 1 year ago, Columbus Public Schools
Preschool registration will being on Monday, February 12th! Contact Mr. Vasquez the CPS Registrar today to make your appointment. Kindergarten registration information will be released at a later date.
about 1 year ago, Columbus Public Schools
PS registration
Don't forget the Lighting of the Anchor event tonight from 5:00-7:00 pm at CHS! You'll get the chance to meet Santa and Lil' C. Also starting at 5:00pm elementary students will be singing 5 carols at the Anchor, followed by CHS vocal music students at 5:15.
over 1 year ago, Columbus Public Schools
Lighting of the anchor
Don't forget to join us tomorrow, October 31st from 5:00-6:00 pm at Columbus High School for our annual Trunk or Treat event! We can't wait to see all of the students and families!
over 1 year ago, Columbus Public Schools
parking map
Voters, have you returned your survey? In September, CPS mailed a survey to all registered voters who submitted a ballot in the May 9th special bond election. This survey is the first step of many to determine a new solution to address the needs of Columbus Public Schools. If you have not yet returned your survey we ask that you please do so by Friday, October 20th.
over 1 year ago, Columbus Public Schools
CPS is currently looking for individuals, organizations and businesses who would like to participate in this year's CPS Trunk or Treat. If you are interested in providing a trunk please contact Cherie Van Dyke at or call 402-563-7000.
over 1 year ago, Columbus Public Schools
trunks eng
trunk span
trunk french
CPS is hosting a community open house at the Kramer Education Center on September 19th from 5:00-8:00 pm!
over 1 year ago, Nicole Anderson
english KCDC
Spanish KCDC
CHS will be hosting an immunization clinic in partnership with ECDHD on September 28th. Appointments can be made by calling ECDHD.
over 1 year ago, Columbus High School
clinic 2
clinic 3
Congratulations to all of those nominated for the 2023 CPS Foundation Operations Employee of the Year Award sponsored by Bob and Chris Markham. The winner will be announced Friday at the staff end of the year recognition. #godiscoverers #wearyourmaroonproudly #proudtobeCPS
almost 2 years ago, Columbus Public Schools
operations employee of the year
Congratulations to all of those nominated for the 2023 CPS Foundation New Educator of the Year Award sponsored by One United Federal Credit Union. This award is open to teachers who are in their first 3 years as an educator. #godiscoverers #wearyourmaroonproudly #proudtobeCPS
almost 2 years ago, Columbus Public Schools
new ed 2023
Congratulations to all of those nominated for the 2023 CPS Foundation Educator of the Year Award sponsored by One United Federal Credit Union. The winner will be announced Friday at the staff end of the year recognition. #godiscoverers #wearyourmaroonproudly #proudtobeCPS
almost 2 years ago, Columbus Public Schools
ed of the year 2023
Voters be sure to check to see if your ballot was received as well as if it was accepted or rejected. You can check online at
almost 2 years ago, Columbus Public Schools
vote check english
vote check spanish
vote check french
Due to the passing of LB 1107 in 2021 you can now claim a percentage of your property tax paid to schools on your state income tax. In 2023, those who pay property tax will be able to claim 30% of their property taxes paid to schools when they file their state income tax.
almost 2 years ago, Columbus Public Schools
1107 english
LB 1107 Spanish
LB1107 French
One of the big questions that we are receiving is "What is the breakdown of costs for each project that is included in the bond election"? The projects listed were determined following 18 months of community town hall meetings and surveys.
almost 2 years ago, Columbus Public Schools
costs - English
Costs Spanish
Costs French
Don't forget tonight Dr. L will be hosting a community meeting that will discuss survey results, projects, finances and estimates! Where: Columbus Middle School Cafeteria When: 7:00pm
about 2 years ago, Nicole Anderson