"Smile Big and Dance Big." Great advice from an elementary student! #wordsmatter #bekind #Napkinisms #cpssummerlunchprogram #godiscoverers
almost 3 years ago, Nicole Anderson
napkin 4
Today is a good day! #wordsmatter #bekind #CPSsummerlunchprogram #godiscoverers #napkinisms
almost 3 years ago, Nicole Anderson
Today is a good day! #CPSsummerlunchprogram #napkinisms #godiscoverers #wordsmatter #bekind
almost 3 years ago, Nicole Anderson
#CPSsummerlunchprogram #wordsmatter #bekind #corndogs #napkinisms #godiscoverers
almost 3 years ago, Nicole Anderson
#Napkinisms #GoDiscoverers #CPSsummerlunchprogram #wordsmatter #bekind
almost 3 years ago, Nicole Anderson
#Napkinisms #GoDiscoverers #CPSsummerlunchprogram #wordsmatter #bekind
almost 3 years ago, Nicole Anderson
con·ju·gate verb /ˈkänjəˌɡāt/ give the different forms of (a verb in an inflected language) as they vary according to voice, mood, tense, number, and person. "conjugating verbs forms part of language study"
almost 3 years ago, Nicole Anderson
Have you been wondering where to find the menus for the summer lunch program? You can review the menu here at https://www.myschoolmenus.com/instance/147/district/174/school/1212/menu/27654?date=2022-06-01&view=monthly
almost 3 years ago, Nicole Anderson
We believe it! Do you? #wordsmatter #napkinisms #bekind #godiscoverers
almost 3 years ago, Nicole Anderson
Just a reminder that the summer lunch program will begin tomorrow!
almost 3 years ago, Nicole Anderson
summer food prgoram
summer food
summer program
CPS Families be sure to catch up on District News in the latest digital edition of the Discoveries family newsletter. https://www.smore.com/3df5c
almost 4 years ago, Nicole Anderson
CPS Families be sure to catch up on District News in the latest digital edition of the Discoveries family newsletter. https://www.smore.com/7f4vx
about 4 years ago, Nicole Anderson
Due to continued Winter Weather Warnings there will be NO School for CPS on Tuesday, February 16, 2021. ALL parent teacher conferences will be held Wednesday evening 2/17/21 & Thursday 2/18/21 afternoon & evening.
about 4 years ago, Nicole Anderson
Due to the WIND CHILL WARNING and life threatening conditions, Columbus Public Schools will not have school on Monday, February 15, 2021.
about 4 years ago, Nicole Anderson
Due to the snow earlier this week, the registration deadline for the Cheer Clinic has been extended to 5:00 pm today. Checks should be made payable to CHS Cheer.
about 4 years ago, Nicole Anderson
cheer clinic
Reminder tomorrow, Wednesday, January 27th is an early dismissal day for CPS. Elementary Schools release at 2:15pm CMS & CHS release at 2:35pm
about 4 years ago, Columbus Public Schools
Due to the unfortunate timing of the storm tomorrow, unknown snow totals, and the potential of impact at dismissal time, Columbus Public Schools will not have school tomorrrow. Dr. L
about 4 years ago, Nicole Anderson
CPS Families: Reminder all CPS students and staff report to school tomorrow for in person learning. Tune into the district facebook page at 7pm on November 12th. Dr. L will be going live to discuss the district Orange & Red plans.
over 4 years ago, Nicole Anderson
Compartiendo información sobre el programa EL (Estudiantes del Inglés)...
over 4 years ago, Santiago Vasquez
pg 1
pg 2
¡Se aproxima el inicio de clases! Vea el boletín mensual para ver información importante. Si tiene preguntas, comuníquese al 402-563-7000, opción 7.
over 4 years ago, Santiago Vasquez