Emerson paraeducator, Mr. Dobbs, stands in front of a popcorn themed display. He's holding a brown-bag of popcorn and smiling.

The wonderful smell of popcorn fills the air as you walk into Emerson Elementary every Friday!  The smell is almost like a wonderful reminder that today is Friday, we have worked hard all week learning and growing and our cue from the smell means it has paid off.  

That smell would not be there if it wasn’t for Mr. Dobbs, our Popcorn Man!  

I bet Mr. Dobbs never thought his second career would be working with children in an elementary building as his first love was working with tools as an Electric Motor Specialist and Manager at Overturf Electric.  He has now spent the last several years as a para-educators working  with children at Emerson Elementary and not tools at Overturf Electric.

Mr. Dobbs starts our day off right as he is our Crosswalk Duty  guy!  In addition to his paraprofessional duties, he is always ready to “pop” into action as a substitute teacher if we are ever in a bind.  

He Is always a helpful hand in any task and never says “no”.  He always responds with, “you bet” or “I would love to” when asked to pitch in.  As you know, he could not resist when he was asked to be the Popcorn Man of Emerson Fridays!  He does this job with a great big smile on his face and a love of popcorn and all things corny in his heart.  If Mr. Dobbs is ever absent (which is a rare occasion), the smell of popcorn is missing and the Friday vibe just wouldn't be the same.  

We love our Mr. Dobbs and all he brings to support Emerson students, staff and families.