6th Grade

The 6 Anchor student of the week is Isaiah. Isaiah is a quiet yet respectful student who puts in a lot of effort to make his work his best. He tries hard to avoid distractions and stay focused on his work. Your teachers are proud of you, Isaiah!

The 6 Explorer Student of the Week is Adiel. Adiel is a very kind and respectful student. He puts effort into all of his work and always gets his work done on time. Adiel is a joy to be around with is creative thinking. He always has something positive to contribute to class. Keep up the good work Adiel.

The 6 Navigator Student of the Week is Riley. He participates in class discussions and is always on task. He practices patience with his classmates and in class situations. We appreciate your hard work, Riley! 

n time. Adiel is a joy to be around with is creative thinking. He always has something positive to contribute to class. Keep up the good work Adiel.
The 6 Navigator Student of the Week is Riley Braun. He participates in class discussions and is always on task. He practices patience with his classmates and in class situations. We appreciate your hard work, Riley!