6th Grade

Congratulations to Drue for being named the 6 Anchor student of the week. Drue works hard and always puts forth her best effort in all that she does. She is polite and respectful to all around her. Keep up the great work, Drue!

The 6th Navigator student of the week is Kylie. Kylie always tries to do her best. She asks questions when she is unsure of something. She is proactive when she needs to be. She is pleasant to be around. Keep being fantastic.

The 6th Explorer Student of the Week is Olivia. Olivia is a joy to have in class. She comes with a smile on her face each day. She offers great thoughts and ideas to classroom conversation and is always seen staying on task. She is a positive role model for her peers as she is an example of the Discoverer Way - being safe, respectful, responsible, and kind.