At the end of each quarter we enjoy coming together to celebrate our successes from the entire quarter. We recognize a student of the quarter from each subject area. We also recognize our athletics and activities from that quarter. We have a little fun as well with some Minute-To-Win-It challenges. We end every pep rally with the school fight song along with a cheer challenge. Parents are always welcome to come and celebrate with us. The schedule is as follows:
8th Grade: 8:00-8:55
7th Grade 9:00-9:55
6th Grade 10:00-10:55
5th Grade 11:00-11:55
The quarter two pep rally will be on December 22. The quarter three pep rally will be on March 9 and the quarter four pep rally will be on May 18.
8th Grade Students of the Quarter
7th Grade Students of the Quarter
6th Grade Students of the Quarter
5th Grade Students of the Quarter
CMS Cheerleaders Leading the School Fight Song
Navigator of the Month Mr. Darveau
Navigator of the Month Mr. Baiely
Navigator of the Month Ms. Betz
Navigator of the Month Ms. Ditter