CPS families can now access The Discoveries Newsletter online by following the link below. Printed copies will be in your mailboxes soon. Be sure to always check and follow the District Calendar that is also included in this newsletter as well as linked on all websites.
English, Spanish and French translations of The Discoveries can be found by clicking here and choosing 2022.
A few clarifying items that have been updated in the digital version that will be different from the mailed version.
- Breakfast service will begin on August 18th.
- Kindergarten does not report on August 18th. They will join first-fourth graders on August 19th.
- Lunch will be served and can be purchased at all buildings for students who will be in attendance for the full day.
- On August 17th, lunch will be available for purchase for students grades 1-4 who are in attendance for half a day per the District Calendar. Lunch will not be served at CHS on August 16th or 17th due to shortened schedules.
Any additional questions please contact your individual school building.