If you have been around the middle school after school anytime recently you have heard the pounding of drums. Our CMS Drumline is practicing and perfecting their skills nearly everyday after school. If you are lucky enough to see them, you will see the pure joy this group exudes in making music and friends within their group.
The CMS drumline is a fun 1st quarter experience for 5th-8th grade students. It offers a grassroots approach and any student attending CMS can apply to be in it. No experience necessary. This season we have twenty students enrolled in the middle school drumline program.
Additionally, we are blessed that there are two paid assistant positions that are manned by CHS percussion students and many others choose to volunteer their time to teach the students. The program has also served as a conduit for both current band students and students who are not in band to gain the skills necessary to play with the high school band.
The students enjoy the many bus rides and performance opportunities. They especially enjoy the end of the season party that includes a ton of pizza, breadsticks and well-earned sweets.
Information to join the following year's drumline comes out the 4th quarter of each school year.