6th Grade

Alexa is the 6 Anchor student of the week. Alexa is a kind, sweet student who is a strong example of the Discoverer Way. She is hard-working and always tries her very best. She is polite and respectful to all of the adults and students in the building. Keep it up Alexa!!

Aurora is the 6 Explorer Student of the Week. Aurora has a very kind and sweet heart. She is respectful to both her peers and teachers. Aurora advocates for her learning and asks questions when she doesn't understand. We see Aurora put her best effort into all of her work and she sincerely wants to do well. We love having you on our Explorer team!

The 6th Navigator Student of the week is Emma. She is helpful to others, she is kind and respectful to fellow classmates and teachers alike. She knows how to maintain a focus on her work and other tasks. She is an outstanding example for all. Congratulations, Emma!