6th Grade

Nora is the 6 Anchor student of the week. Nora always tries her best and is dedicated to completing work. She is a good friend. to all of her classmates. She is a leader in the classroom and has impressed her teachers with her strong work ethic. We are proud of you Nora! (not pictured)

The 6 Explorer Student of the Week is Raiden. Raiden's teachers have seen great improvement from him throughout the year. He has been taking his learning more seriously and gets excited when he sees success. Raiden gets his work done on time and has proven to be responsible. Keep up the good work Raiden! (Not pictured) 

Derek is the 6 Navigator Student of the Week. Derek is very kind and respectful to adults. He is helpful to other students. He works hard and tries his best and is a good participant in class and wants to share his ideas and answers. He is willing to ask for help if needed. Keep up the good work Derek!