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COLUMBUS - Students planning to play sports at Columbus High School are reminded that they must turn in a completed physical and signed agreement forms relating to all CHS and NSAA guidelines before the start of fall practices.

 August 9, 2021 is the first official practice date for all fall sports which include cheerleading, cross country, dance, football, girls’ golf, boys’ tennis, softball, and volleyball.

  •  Physicals: Must have been completed on or after May 1 and must be turned in to the CHS activities desk. This physical is good for all sports during the 2021-22 season. The physical must be completed before athletes are allowed to practice.
  • Agreement forms: Must be completed through the SmartSchool-K12 registration site (https://columbus2067a.cf.wordwareinc.com). Instructions for the registration can be found at the CHS school website under parent portal. 
  • Practice times and schedules may be found at www.godiscoverers.com for the fall sports season.

For more information on a particular sport, please contact the fall coaches via email.

·      Cheer: Ashley Braithwait, braithwaita@discoverers.org

·      Dance: Megan Wemhoff, wemhoffm@discoverers.org

·      Football: Craig Williams, williamsc@discoverers.org

·      Softball: Kelsey Newman, newmank@discoverers.org

·      Boys Tennis: Scott Bethune, bethunes@discoverers.org

·      Girls Golf: Anne Robertson, robertsona@discoverers.org

·      Cross Country: Stacy Smith, smiths@discoverers.org

·      Volleyball: Jeri Otten, ottenj@discoverers.org