Veterans of the United States Air Force salute  while in the audience during the playing of "The U.S. Air Force" or "Wild Blue Yonder" at the Columbus High Veteran's Day program.

Led by the American Legion Chorus, the auditorium echoed with the chorus of "God Bless America." Columbus High seniors joined the chorus, and the veterans and guests in attendance at Friday's Veteran's Day Program at Columbus High School in singing the famed song before the colors were retired.


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Friday's program featured other performances from The CHS Concert Band, the CHS New World Singers and Captain's Chorale. Jeff Peabody, CHS Band director, is a veteran himself.

Doug Whitaker, Col. Retired U.S. Army Guard, was the invited speaker. He spoke of the sacrifices and service of those in all branches of the armed forces. Whitaker's message told students that the thanks they give help to all those who have served. He encouraged them to continue to find a way to shake their hands. 

Former CPS school board member and the program's emcee, Ken Curry, echoed Whitatker's words. He assigned each of the seniors homework for the next year.

"Thank a vet."