Tonight the CPS Board of Education recognized the CHS Boys Bowling Team, CHS Diamond Dancers and three students from CMS for their outstanding achievements! CHS Boys Bowling Team were this year's state champions! CHS Diamond Dancers finished 3rd in high kick at nationals and 3rd at the state competition, and finished well in jazz. Three CMS students earned honors at the Scholastic Art Competition in Omaha. Two golden keys were earned as well as two honorable mentions. These students competed against students age 13-18. Congratulations on your outstanding achievements!
11 days ago, Columbus Public Schools
Boys Bowling Team
Chs Diamond Dancers holding their certificates
CMS Scholastic Art Award Winners
MARCH 4, 2025 CANCELLATIONS CPS Buildings have determined that the after school program, practices and all evening events will be cancelled tonight. Kindergarten enrollment will continue until 6pm. Please direct any questions to your student's school building.
24 days ago, Columbus Public Schools
Reminder of upcoming important dates! March 6, 2025 - Grades K-8 have a noon dismissal, No Preschool March 7,2025 - No School for Students March 10-14,2025 - No School for Students, Spring Break
24 days ago, Columbus Public Schools
Reminder graphic - English, Spanish and French
🎭 Get ready for an unforgettable performance! Columbus High School proudly presents "Midsummer Jersey" . Join us at the Nantkes Performing Arts Center: 📅 March 7, 2025 at 7:00pm 📅 March 8, 2025 at 2:00pm and 7:00pm 🎟️ Ticket prices: $7 for adults $5 for students Show your C stamp for FREE entry! Mark your calendars and spread the word! Don't miss out on this fantastic show! 🎬 #CHSPerformingArts #MidsummerJersey #godiscoverers #ColumbusHighSchoolTheater
28 days ago, Columbus High School
poster graphic Midsummer Jersey in English
poster graphic midsummer jersey in spanish
poster graphic midsummer jersey in french
All CPS buildings will close at 5:00pm today, 2/18/25. No evening activities will take place including middle school parent-teacher conferences.
about 1 month ago, Columbus Public Schools
Current weather status red
IT'S HAPPENING! Kindergarten Registration is scheduled for Monday, March 3rd through Friday, March 7th at the Kramer Education Center --> 2410 16th St. Please enter through the west doors. Each day is open to parents/guardians with students attending any of our elementaries!
about 1 month ago, Columbus Public Schools
Columbus Public Schools announces its Kindergarten Registration with this post card highlighting dates and times in English.
Columbus Public Schools announces its Kindergarten Registration with this post card highlighting dates and times in Spanish.
Columbus Public Schools announces its Kindergarten Registration with this post card highlighting dates and times in French.
Congratulations to Mrs. Amanda Nielsen and the FCCLA students who qualified for the State Championship. These students will compete in Lincoln, NE in April.
about 2 months ago, Columbus Public Schools
FCCLA State Qualifiers from Columbus High School
We are thankful for our dedicated, student focused board of education members. Thank you for your service to our students, staff, families and community!
about 2 months ago, Columbus Public Schools
CPS Board of Education
At tonight's Board of Education meeting the BOE recognized Mrs. Joni Ebel on receiving the Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching (PAEMST). Congratulations, Mrs. Ebel we couldn't be more proud!
2 months ago, Columbus Public Schools
Jeffryes & Ebel
Reminder: CHS Juniors and Seniors CPS Foundation dual credit scholarship applications are due January 31, 2025 at 4:00pm. Separate scholarships are available for general classes as well as STEM or Career & Technical Education Classes. Here is a to where you can find both applications: Contact Nicole Anderson with any questions.
2 months ago, Columbus Public Schools
dollar signs
On Thursday, students in the Columbus Public Schools Family Literacy Program toured the Columbus City offices, Columbus Children's Museum and library to better understand what services are available to all residents. Check out this story --> for more on the program.
3 months ago, Columbus Public Schools
A student in the CPS Family Literacy program tours the Columbus City Offices.
A student in the CPS Family Literacy program tours the Columbus City Offices.
A student in the CPS Family Literacy program tours the Columbus City Offices.
A student in the CPS Family Literacy program tours the Columbus City Offices.
A student in the CPS Family Literacy program tours the Columbus City Offices.
A student in the CPS Family Literacy program tours the Columbus City Offices.
A student in the CPS Family Literacy program tours the Columbus City Offices.
A student in the CPS Family Literacy program tours the Columbus City Offices.
A student in the CPS Family Literacy program tours the Columbus City Offices.
A student in the CPS Family Literacy program tours the Columbus City Offices.
Important reminders for students and parents: 12/19/24 - No Preschool, 12:00 pm (noon dismissal) K-12. 12/20/24- Holiday break begins. No school for preK-12. 1/7/25- First day of 3rd quarter or 2nd semester.
3 months ago, Columbus Public Schools
The CHS Winter Fine Arts Festival will take place on Monday, December 16th! The Waffleman will be serving from 5:00-8:00pm Students and Adults - $10 Senior Citizen & Military Members - $8 Children 6 and under - FREE Music provided by CHS Music Department. CHS Art Show will be located in the IMC. This year's featured artists are: Allison Arevalo, Janice Chen, Kimberlin Reyes, Jacquelynne Sindelar and Anna Ware. The CHS Art Club will be selling cookies! $1 per cookie or $5 per 1/2 dozen. The CHS Band Concert will take place in the concert hall at 7:30 pm.
4 months ago, Columbus High School
CHS winter fine arts festival flyer in english
CHS winter fine arts festival flyer in spanish
CHS winter fine arts festival flyer in french
At the 11/18/2024 Board of Education meeting the CPS board recognized CHS vocal music and band members who have earned all-state recognition. Join in the celebration by commenting below with a congratulations! #godiscoverers #proudtobe CPS #wearyourmaroonprouldy
4 months ago, Columbus Public Schools
all state band members as well as BOE president doug willoughby and band director jeff peabody
close up photo of all state band member
Join us at CMS on Friday, December 6 & 7, 2024 as they present A Christmas Carol. When: December 6th at 7:00 pm and December 7th at 2:00 pm Where: Columbus Middle School - Nantkes Cost: $5 for Adults, $3 for students K-12 (C-stamps will be accepted)
4 months ago, Columbus Middle School
scrooge poster english
scrooge poster in spanish
scrooge poster in french
Check out Part 2 of Jay Martin's Parent Academy Series: Digital Wisdom Framework Synthetic Media.
4 months ago, Columbus Public Schools
Digital Parent Academy
Today is world kindness day. Spread kindness like confetti. It costs nothing and mean everything. Happy World Kindness Day!
5 months ago, Columbus Public Schools
preschool age boy and girl one giving an apple to another
Thank you for your service. Veterans Day 2024.
5 months ago, Columbus Public Schools
lots of small flags in grass
Last Tuesday Jay Martin the DIrector of School Safety & Security for NDE was here in Columbus talking to students and parents about building a better digital culture. He has put together an online 4 part Digital Parent Academy. Follow this link to view Part 1 Digital Wisdom Framework - Platform Pressures.
5 months ago, Columbus Public Schools
Digital wisdom framework graphic
Thank you to those who joined us to hear Jay Martin present on "Building a Better Digital Culture." Over the next two months be on the lookout as we release links to his parent academy videos.
5 months ago, Columbus Public Schools
Jay Martin