Welcome To CHS - Go Discoverers!

photo of David Hiebner Columbus High School Principal

Welcome to Columbus High School! I invite you to tour our high school and district webpages to learn more about Columbus Public Schools. CHS is a collaborative learning community where the staff works together to make instructional decisions. We are committed to creating an environment that gives every student the opportunities needed to achieve success on their way to college and career readiness.

On behalf of the faculty and staff of Columbus High School, I welcome you to our school.

Wear your maroon proudly, and, as always, GO, Discoverers!

David Hiebner
Columbus High School Principal

Mission and Vision

"Engaging All Learners To Achieve Success"

We will continuously and passionately strive to be a high performing Learning Community that will effectively meet the unique learning needs of each and every student. To attain this vision we are:

  • Committed to a clear and shared focus on student learning.

  • Committed to a safe and supportive learning environment for learning and teaching

  • Committed to high levels of communication, trust, support and accountability with all stakeholders.